Día 1.º (jue.) BOGOTA – MADRID Salida de la ciudad de origen en vuelo internacional con destino a Madrid. Noche a bordo.
Día 2.º (vie.) MADRID – PARIS Llegada y salida en vuelo conexión a París. Llegada a la capital de Francia. Asistencia en el aeropuerto y traslado al hotel. Alojamiento
Día 3.º (sab.) PARIS Desayuno. Por la mañana, visita panorámica de la ciudad, recorriendo los Campos Elíseos, Arco del Triunfo, la Ópera, Torre Eiffel, Barrio Latino, Jardines de Luxemburgo y Los Inválidos. En la tarde, opcionalmente podrá realizar la visita del famoso Palacio de Versalles y sus bellos jardines. Alojamiento.
Día 4.º (dom.) PARIS Desayuno. Día libre para pasear por esta ilustre ciudad. En este día, existirá la opción de realizar una visita para conocer el bohemio barrio de Montmatre y hacer un bonito Crucero por el Rio Sena. Alojamiento.
Día 5.º (lun.) PARIS – LUCERNA - ZURICH Desayuno. Salida hacia el sur de Francia, para disfrutar de los más bellos paisajes que forman el país de Suiza. Llegada a Lucerna, ciudad medieval situada a orillas del Lago de los Cuatro Cantones, famosa por su bello puente de madera, uno de los más antiguos de Europa. Tiempo libre. Continuación a Zúrich, centro financiero del país y tiempo para conocer el centro de la ciudad. Alojamiento.
Día 6.º (mar.) ZURICH – VENECIA Desayuno. Salida temprano de Suiza hacia el sur. Opcionalmente podrá realizar una excursión a una de las zonas de montaña más impresionantes de toda Europa, el Monte Titlis, a cuya cima de más de 3.200 metros se llega en, un espectacular teleférico que parte de Engelberg. Continuación hacía la frontera italiana para llegar a la romántica “Perla del Adriático”, Venecia. Alojamiento.
Día 7.º (mie.) VENECIA Desayuno. Salida en barco hacia la Plaza de San Marcos, incomparable conjunto arquitectónico, donde se iniciará una visita a pié de esta interesante ciudad, asentada sobre 118 islas en el mar Adriático, recorriendo la Basílica de San Marcos, el Campanile, Torre del Reloj, exterior del Palacio Ducal, Puente de los Suspiros y típicas callejuelas que cruzan los canales. Tarde libre en las que se les ofrecerá la opción de realizar un romántico paseo en góndola ó un atractivo crucero por la Laguna. Regreso al hotel y alojamiento.
Día 8.º (jue.) VENECIA - PADUA - FLORENCIA Desayuno. Salida hacia Pádua y tiempo libre para conocer la Basílica de San Antonio. Continuación del viaje hacia Florencia, capital de la Toscana y principal ciudad del arte italiano. Por la tarde, visita panorámica, incluyendo la Catedral, el Baptisterio, Puente Vecchio y las Plazas de la Señoría y Santa Crocce. Alojamiento.
Día 9.º (vie.) FLORENCIA - ASIS - ROMA Desayuno. Salida hacia Asís, interesante ciudad amurallada donde destacan sus Basílicas, con la tumba de San Francisco. Se continuará viaje hacia Roma, la Ciudad Eterna. A la llegada, tendrán la opción de visitar la Roma Barroca, el corazón de la ciudad, con lugares tan interesantes como La Plaza de Navona, La Fontana de Trevi, El Panteón, etc. Regreso al hotel y alojamiento.
Día 10.º (sab.) ROMA Desayuno. Visita panorámica de la ciudad, recorriendo la Plaza de Venecia, exterior del Coliseo, Foro Romano, Circo Máximo, Castillo de Santo Ángel, Vaticano, etc. Posteriormente existirá la posibilidad de visitar los Museos Vaticanos, la Capilla Sixtina y Basílica de San Pedro. En la tarde, opcionalmente, podrán conocer la Roma Imperial con el Coliseo y los Foros. Regreso al hotel y alojamiento.
Día 11.º (dom.) ROMA Desayuno. Día libre en Roma para pasear. Si estuviera interesado, nuestro guía les dará la posibilidad de realizar una visita de día completo al sur de Italia con la maravillosa bahía de Nápoles y la pintoresca isla de Capri. Alojamiento.
Día 12.º (lun.) ROMA - PISA - NIZA Desayuno y salida hacia Pisa. Tiempo libre para visitar la Plaza de los Milagros, magnífico conjunto monumental, con su Catedral, Baptisterio y la famosa Torre Inclinada. Continuación por la Riviera Italiana, pasando cerca de ciudades como San Remo ó Génova. Llegada a Niza y entrada en esta atractiva y aristócrata ciudad de Niza. Alojamiento.
Día 13.º (mar.) NIZA - BARCELONA Desayuno. Salida hacia el valle del Ródano, pasando junto a las ciudades de Nimes y Arles, para de nuevo entrar en la Península Ibérica. Llegada a Barcelona y visita panorámica de la ciudad incluyendo la Sagrada Familia, Plaza de Cataluña, Barrio Gótico, Monumento a Colón y Puerto Olímpico. Durante el recorrido se podrán admirar lindos edificios marcados con la arquitectura del famoso Antonio Gaudí. Alojamiento.
Día 14.º (mie.) BARCELONA - ZARAGOZA - MADRID Desayuno. Salida hacia Zaragoza. Visita de la Basílica de la Virgen Pilar, Patrona de la Hispanidad. Continuación hacia la Comunidad de Madrid a través de la provincia de Guadalajara. Llegada y alojamiento.
Día 15.º (jue.) MADRID Desayuno. Por la mañana visita panorámica de la ciudad, recorriendo sus principales lugares, la Plaza de España, Gran Vía, Fuente de la Cibeles, Puerta de Alcalá, Estadio Santiago Bernabéu, Plaza Monumental de las Ventas, Puerta del Sol. En la tarde, se le ofrecerá la posibilidad de visitar opcionalmente la ciudad de Toledo, antigua capital imperial, declarada Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO. Alojamiento.
Día 16.º (vie.) MADRID - BOGOTA Desayuno, traslado al aeropuerto salida con destino a Bogotá. Llegada y FIN DE NUESTROS SERVICIOS
• Tiquetes aéreos internacionales en la ruta del programa
• Tasas aeroportuarias (Sujetas a cambio)
• Alojamiento en hoteles indicados o similares en categoría Primera 4*
• Desayunos buffet diario.
• Tasas hoteleras.
• Autocar de lujo.
• Guía profesional de habla hispana.
• Visitas con guía local en Paris, Venecia, Florencia, Roma y Madrid.
• Visita con guía acompañante en Barcelona.
• Traslado de llegada a Paris y salida en Madrid
• Tarjeta de asistencia médica (Pasajeros a partir de 70 años deberán pagar suplemento en USD 40)
• 2% fee bancario
• Tiquetes aéreos desde otras ciudades de Colombia.
• Comidas y bebidas no indicadas
• Excursiones y/o tours opcionales
• Entradas a lugares no indicados
• Traslados donde no este contemplado
• Propinas a conductores, maleteros y guías
• Servicios y gastos personales.
Tourist Reserves S.A de C.V. (OLR Mayorista), with address at Avenida Tulum M 5 L 22 SM 20 Cancún, Quintana Roo, CP 77500, Mexico and internet portal www.olrmayorista.com, is responsible for the use and protection of your personal data.
For OLR Mayorista, it is necessary to collect certain personal data to carry out the activities intrinsic to its line of business. OLR Mayorista, has the legal and social obligation to comply with sufficient legal and security measures to protect the personal data that it has collected for the purposes that will be described in this privacy policy.
All of the above is done with the aim that you have full control and decision over your personal data. Therefore, we recommend that you read the following information carefully.
Data we collect
Personal information
The personal data that is collected are: name, surname, telephone number, postal address and email address. In case of choosing to pay by credit card, the credit card number, expiration date, name of the cardholder, and address of the credit card statement will be collected. When booking international flights, the date of birth, passport number and the name and telephone number of a person specified by the client who will not be traveling on those dates will be collected to serve as an emergency contact if necessary. When booking flights with a stopover or final destination in the United States, the nationality and sex of each passenger will be collected.
When reserving cruises and travel circuits, the client will be asked for a copy of the passport of all passengers.
In the event that a reservation does not pass the risk verification protocol established by OLR Mayorista, the reservation holder will be asked for the following information: a copy of the credit card on both sides and a copy of an official photo ID on both sides .
To reconcile duplicate charges on the customer’s credit card and refunds to personal accounts, a copy of the account statement will be requested.
This information is collected and stored when you choose to make a reservation with OLR Mayorista through the internet, by phone, in person or in writing.
This Privacy Notice based on Article 10 section IV of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (LFPDPPP), has the purpose of fulfilling the obligations derived from the legal relationship between the owner of the data and OLR Wholesaler.
The owner may express his refusal to process his personal data for those purposes that are not necessary or that gave rise to the relationship between the client and OLR Mayorista through the access, rectification, cancellation, opposition procedures described in this Notice. Of privacy.
Use of Cookies and Web Beacons:
How your data is used
The data you provide will have the following purposes:
• Process, complete, update, modify, cancel or print the services you have contracted through OLR Mayorista by the following means: electronic, telephone, in person or in writing.
• Sending notifications via email exclusively to inform about changes or events related to your travel itinerary: confirmation of the contracted services, modifications, cancellations, refunds, balances and invitations to evaluate or comment on the contracted services and the service received from of OLR Mayorista, its employees or representatives.
• Telephone calls to verify the operations or transactions made via internet, telephone or face-to-face if OLR Mayorista or its representatives deem it necessary.
• Telephone calls to request documents that establish the identity of the customer or the credit card holder if OLR Mayorista deems it necessary.
• To receive travel offers by email if you agreed to subscribe to our offers newsletter electronically, by phone, in person or in writing. In each email sent by OLR Mayorista there is a link to unsubscribe from the newsletter if you wish.
• To maintain and constantly update databases that generate statistics that allow OLR Mayorista to improve the services our customers receive.
Limit on use and disclosure of information
Only OLR Mayorista has access to the information collected (exclusively the email address of the owner) when you subscribe to our program of promotions, offers or services via email. Our emails may include offers from third parties that are business partners, suppliers or affiliated companies of OLR Mayorista. Promotional messages or notices are sent solely and exclusively to those who have agreed to subscribe, messages and notices that you can unsubscribe from your email at any time by clicking on the link that appears for this purpose in each message we send.
How we protect your personal data
OLR Mayorista has implemented a sophisticated security system to protect our customers’ information from unauthorized access. Our systems are configured with data encryption and coding technologies built to the best industry standards. All data transmission from OLR Wholesale sites is encrypted before being sent using SSL-3 technology.
How can you access your personal data?
The Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties establishes 4 actions that you have the right to exercise on the personal data you provide: (i) access to your personal data to know the details of their treatment, (ii) as well how to rectify them in case they are inaccurate, incorrect or out of date; (ii) cancellation when it considers that they are not required for any of the purposes indicated in this privacy notice, or they are being used for non-consensual purposes or the contractual or service relationship has ended, or, (iv) opposition to the treatment of the same for specific purposes (known as ARCO rights).
If you need access to the personal data you provided, send an email request to edwin@olrmayorista.com for the attention of Edwin Pérez, with the following:
1. Full name and telephone or address
2. Copy of an official identification with a photo or that accredits you as the owner of the data to which you wish to access or, where appropriate, as the legal representative of the owner.
3. Specify the treatment you want to be done with the personal data collected.
4. Locator number. With this information we can quickly find your data.
OLR Mayorista will notify the owner by email, within a maximum period of twenty days, counted from the date on which the request for access, rectification, cancellation or opposition was received, the decision adopted, so that, if appropriate, it make it effective within fifteen days from the date on which the response is communicated. In the case of requests for access to personal data, the delivery will proceed prior accreditation of the identity of the applicant or legal representative, as appropriate.
The aforementioned deadlines may be extended only once for an equal period, as long as the circumstances of the case justify it.
Data transfers
The personal data that you provide at the time of booking is shared with the suppliers or affiliated companies with which you contracted to process and complete the services that you acquired through OLR Mayorista. We never transfer personal data to people or companies outside of OLR Mayorista. The information that is transmitted to suppliers or affiliated companies with which you contracted, depend on the service you reserved:
• Hotel, transfers, tours and bus tickets: your name and surname are transferred exclusively to the provider.
• Flights that do not have a stopover or final destination in the United States: only your name and surname are transferred to the airline.
• For flights with a stopover or final destination in the United States, only your full name, date of birth, and gender are transferred to the United States Government Transportation and Security Administration.
• For car rental reservations, only your name, surname and address are transferred.
• Cruises: name, surname and passport number.
• Travel circuits: name, surname and passport copy.
The purpose of the transmission of the previously listed data is necessary for the existence and fulfillment of the legal relationship between the client and OLR Mayorista.
The owner may express his refusal prior to the processing of his personal data through the procedure described in this Privacy Notice, or, the owner will have a period of five days so that, if applicable, he expresses his refusal for the treatment of your personal data for purposes that are different from those that are necessary and give rise to the legal relationship between OLR Mayorista and the owner of the data. If the owner does not express his refusal to process his data in accordance with the foregoing, it will be understood that he has given his consent for the processing thereof, unless proven otherwise.
Changes to this Privacy Notice
OLR Mayorista reserves the right to modify or change this Privacy Notice if necessary. The changes take effect at the time they are published on any of its websites. These changes are published at the web address: www.olrmayorista.com When processing reservations with OLR Mayorista, its representatives or affiliates via electronic, telephone, face-to-face or written, the data owner accepts this Privacy Notice. If the user uses the services of www.olrmayorista.com, it means that they have read, understood and accepted the terms set forth above.
Cancellation policy
The cancellation policies apply depending on the service purchased and the assigned provider, each reservation will indicate the cancellation policy and corresponding penalty verbatim.